Friday, August 19, 2011

Sportscenter, Here I Come!!!

So I think God has given me some direction. Let's take a look back at where we've come from before we get to where we're going, shall we???

God called me to ministry within the local church to train & equip teenagers to know God through a relationship enabled by Jesus Christ and led by the Holy Spirit DAILY. That's where I'm at. I always wondered where God would send me next. I mean, let's be real, my days working with teenagers were limited from the beginning. Not many teenagers really get hyped for a 57-year-old youth minister!!! So, I've always wondered what God wants me to do when He calls me out of student (teenage) ministry.

That's where we've been.

I think this is where we're headed:

The call to work with teenagers will shift at some point, and once again, when I ask "What's next?" God gives me answers that only make sense in reverse (Mongoose). Today, I believe God has given me that direction.

Sports Analyst.

And if you want specifics, it's probably got something to do with the NFL. That's right, I'll be breaking down games, previewing the draft, reporting on the latest trades and league rumors, position battles, and all kinds of fun stuff!! Maybe the 2 of you that read this blog (one being mom) might be wondering how I came to this conclusion. Allow me to tell you: I feel that God wants my next position He calls me to is one where my opinion is valued. Think about it: these sports guys report what happened and spend the majority of their time telling you what THEY THINK about the move/game/trade/pick/decision. And that's what they get paid for!! AWESOME!!!!

In my current role, I am blessed to serve with an incredible staff of Spirit led, Christ-following, God Lovers that enrich my life daily through Christ in them. I am also blessed to walk alongside some incredible teenagers that are passionately humbled by the love of the Father. And these people make life INCREDIBLE! The students, the staff, adults who love Christ and follow His leading in their lives inspire me HOURLY with their lives, words, actions, attitudes, joys, sorrows, and beauty.

Granted, not every student and adult here fit into that category. This excites me!! It tells me that my job is not complete.

But given the opportunity to involve my passion with my opinion (as it comes out of my mouth in the form of grammar and understanding of Scripture), the current environment is not exactly conducive to such. This truth is proven repeatedly, and evidenced by many people that wouldn't waste their time with such a petty blog!! And that's ok. The problem is where the results of my opinion affects my family and own ability to worship. See, in most churches, people (who may or may not be followers of Christ, depending on their fruit) bring their AGENDAS to God's house and people and expect them to take priority over God's Word. Unfortunately, I have been one of these people before. It's a sickening feeling that will not go away without a bloodbath (that's "Washed in the Blood of the Lamb" for those of you not following And when something is said from a microphone that is not in-line with their AGENDA, be it personal or large-scale, things can get ugly. Quick.

I mean, shouldn't ministers just 'stick to the script'? And 'the script' looks something like this: Preach a message that occasionally steps on my toes; be there when I want something spiritual; visit me or anyone I care about in the hospital with 3 hours of being admitted; adjust your life and schedule to mold to my desires or AGENDA; smile at me all the time; tell at least one joke a week; do what you can to promote ME personally; make me look important in the eyes of those who sit in the pew with me (I am more important, y'know); wear what I deem acceptable without me telling you what that looks like; work for as little as possible so I don't HAVE to tithe if something else is more worthy of my money (after all, since I tithe, you work for ME!); don't make me uncomfortable; don't ask me to do anything, someone younger can do that (don't you know I have a job and family...duh!); pray for my happiness all day long; answer the phone whenever I call; don't take a vacation because I might need you...for something; say what I've always heard and mostly believe; and other than these, leave me alone.

So if that's the script I'm supposed to stick to, then I believe I'd rather read from a teleprompter...about sports.

IMPORTANT: For both of my readers, I'm not about to get out of ministry or leave the church or quit my position here to pursue a career in sports analyst or anything else!! This article was a semi-satire to voice my displeasure with those church-goers that do not value Christ at work in their lives or the desires of the Holy Spirit to lead them into the Incredible we were all created for. My heart breaks, but I know my Redeemer lives!! And that in the end He will stand upon the Earth! (Shouts, J-O-B!!!) Now, let's shed our agendas and be about Christ in our lives with a servant's heart to show others how to be set free from their own!!!