Sunday, March 7, 2010

Descriptions vs. Definitions

Ok, here we go again...

Once upon today, I finished up one act and left the room to pursue another, and along my way...

How would you define yourself?

What words do you think describe you? Go ahead, I'll wait.

I went over this today in my own strange, little head while walking between buildings. In the constant search for the answer to the question we all daily battle known as "Who am I?" I found myself mulling over the realities and not-so's of the results. Here's a few I came up with: tall, hungry, somewhat discouraged, chilly, and who. Yes, I answered a question to myself with my own question. I am confused...oh, add that one to the list: 'confused.'

At that point, I decided not to answer the question itself, but rather define the question, and that's how the slope drifted downward. How could I "define" the question that would help reveal how to "define" or "describe" me?

My first notion was to use outside sources and influences to answer the question regarding the question. Think about how other people answer it according to their life or choice. No, can't do that! The reason being is that the only answers that come to mind while seeing other people answer the question typically are examples of the way you DON'T want to answer the question, which leads to you being judgmental, or self-absorbed, or justifiable to your own unchanged identity. So that approach is no good...

Uh-oh, somebody left their tailgate down...or did they do it on purpose to save gas?

Next I tried to use the boring approach -- you know, the Adjective Theory that uses one word answers to attempt to help put a finger on that one (or many) little thing you can't seem to identify NOR get out of your head. That's where I came up with the list aforementioned. Boring. Boring. Boring...and ineffective. And THAT'S when I caught a quick glimpse of the answer that left me immersed in simple thought that I hadn't seen before because of my stupid desire for an intelligent solution!

"Who am I?" We try to answer that in so many ways based on temporary circumstance. 'How would I (or someone else, if using the comparative theory) would react or should be in this scenario?' or 'How should I react?' or 'What's best for the whole (person, situation, outcome, you name it)?' or the Sunday morning 'What would Jesus do?' that doesn't even make sense when paired with the original question.

Today, there are two answers: how you describe yourself and how you define yourself. See, these are two entirely different areas that intertwine and often confuse. But it's SO SIMPLE!!! What defines you are the things in life that cannot change. What describes you are those things that can be altered in some way or another. Here we go: I am defined as a father, because no matter what, I will always be the biological father of one Claire Denise McAlpin, regardless of either of our states. This cannot be taken away from me, therefore, partially defines me. I am a follower of Jesus Christ...a disciple, if you will. Nothing, no power on Earth or under the Earth, can take me from my God's hand. It defines who I am as a living, breathing, loved person.

On the other hand, I can be described in ways that may not describe me tomorrow. I am tall, but chop my legs off, and suddenly, I'm not first pick for a game of hoops. I am cold. Give me a coat and let's start again. I am a jerk. No, this does not define me, so give me a sandwich, a hug, and maybe a little encouragement and let's get back to the drawing board. I am a South Carolina resident...until the tidal wave makes landfall at Myrtle Beach, then I'm in line for a new driver's license! We let temporary things describe us, but allow the repercussions from these descriptions to permeate our self-image, self confidence, outlook, and the way we treat others, just to name a few.

Look, maybe I know you, maybe I don't, but today...just try it for what defines you. Let the petty descriptions that hold you back or handicap your ability to make the next step wash away with the dust of yesterday. Embrace who God made you to be, and how He went about doing it. Stop basing your life on a poorly timed knee-jerk reaction to something beyond your control or ability to change. Take responsibility for who you are and stop worrying about the comings and goings of circumstance and situation.
It's going to be alright.
You're going to make it.
You were made for greatness.
You are defined by it.

And just like that, I stumbled into my next act...a little less confused, a tad more confident, and faced with more questions I'm sure I couldn't answer.

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