Monday, August 9, 2010

"Are we...dipping skinny?"

I love that commercial...

Integrity is an important thing, but to quote a more infamous band who will be playing the HOB without my presence, "you don't know whatcha got 'til it's gone."

Over and over in Seminary we were told to always be aware of "the appearance of evil." In other words, it's not just stay away from bad decisions, but stay away from scenarios that might even RESEMBLE bad decisions. Don't do anything that might lead 'observers' to assume you're compromising Christ in your life.

I'm not the best at it, but it's a consistent thought in my mind. I try to be aware of my integrity, but often times it's when I really botch it up that I'm most painfully aware of it...or lack of it. What compromises integrity? How about lying, cheating, stealing, doing things to sacrifice trust, broken promises, two-faced living, being fake, going back on your get the idea. Like I said, I fall short often...more often than I like to admit, I suppose.

But what happens when me (flawed human being who has ridiculously sacrificed integrity for fun or personal gain on more than one occasion) recognizes a lack of or broken integrity in another's life?? It's not like I have it all together, but to see a brother or sister in Christ who is willingly, consistently, and happily sacrificing and compromising integrity for the sake of pride and personal gain really bothers me to the point of intervention. I want to say something...but is it my place--one who has done it and is guilty of it regularly, but not proud of it??

Disgusting. How can I help someone else see something in their life that I don't enjoy seeing in mine without sacrificing integrity, yet living it out at the same time?

I am flawed.
And I need your help.

Help me out if you have any ideas.

I suppose I need to just lay myself bare at the Feet of those I am unworthy to wash. Lay bare.

So I guess I just need to go out there and try...dipping skinny.

I am so lame.

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