Monday, December 7, 2009

Home Alone

My wife and daughter have been missing from our house since Friday morning. Here are a few differences I have noticed:

-It's quieter...and this isn't necessarily a good thing...
-Lots more available hot water
-I've left my 360 controller out on the coffee table for a record 3 days without putting it up
-Elvis and Riley sleep LOTS more than I originally thought (maybe I'm just THAT boring!)
-There's a LOT more room in the bed when I'm the only one...but I fill that space with pillows
-I can turn the TV up LOUD...even after 8:30 p.m.

And these are just a few things. It's been different. There have been some nice things about it. But overall, I'm ready for them to get back. Elvis just doesn't make me smile like Claire can, and Riley isn't that good of a cuddler.

Tonight is our CRASH Leadership Christmas party. It's going to ROCK!! Our parents have volunteered to serve the leaders that volunteer to minister and love on their children (teenagers). What a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas!! Giving back to those who give freely of themselves for the benefit of their teenager! I love it.

And even though I'm home, I still imagine the girls around the house. Prime example, I'm waiting for the party to start and the guests to arrive, and started looking in the mirror thinking, "If Amanda were here, she'd make me change outta these blue jeans and 3/4 length t-shirt." So now I'm in my Sunday pants with button-down shirt!! She'd be so proud (don't tell her I'm still wearing my Pumas though!).

So tonight, I'll leave from the party and embark to my two-dog-empty home. The Packers are playing tonight, and since no one will be at the house to watch tv, I've already changed the channels on BOTH tvs to be on the right channel to where when I get home, alls (for you, PPP) I have to do is turn on them on and watch the game!! After much victorious delight (hopefully), I will retire to sleep in my big, lonely bed.

It's been a relaxing and quiet time without my girls.

I won't miss it.

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL (...yeah, all 3 of you that read this...BUT YOU MATTER!!!!!)

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