Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Top Ten List of Best Christmas Presents this year!

So maybe this sounds a bit materialistic, but I promise it's not. I got some GREAT presents this year, and I just had to share with you what they were! I'm not doing this to try and make you jealous. Promise! I am so pumped about this stuff, I just had to let you know what it was! Maybe you could see your presents in a different light as well! Who knows! All I know is that I couldn't stop smiling while compiling this list! ENJOY!

-The look on my mom's face when Claire would walk towards her with her arms raised in the “Pick me up!” fashion.
-The apple pie Nate was feeding Claire, all the while laughing his head off as she would walk towards him chanting “Nyack! Nyack!” (That's baby for 'Snack'). She learned quickly that the more she said it, the more pie he would give her! Uncle Nate = Sucker!!!
-The movies and football games I got to watch with my father-in-law, as well as the dinners and lunches we got to have together.
-The smile my wife gave while watching our daughter unwrap presents or playing in her ball pool.
-Laughs from Danny, whether it's text, phone, face-to-face...
-The numerous long conversations with my brother about life, ministry, movies, football, memories, hopes, video games, family, music, and Best Buy.
-The 2009 Brothers Bowl (not aired on ESPN or ESPN2, but hoping for a contract)...without even throwing a pass
-A couple of free movies with some incredible guys & sticking it to Yuppietown (yes, this counts as one present because they go hand-in-hand)
-The tears in my mother and mother-in-law's eyes while Amanda and I opened gifts with that “I love you so much more than I could give you” look.
-Laughs from Afghanistan!

So these don't make the Top Ten, but worth telling you about:
-The look on my wife's face after Claire spit-up on her...face. And in her hair. And on her neck. And so on.
-Lunch and conversation at the Country Fisherman in Mendenhall, Mississippi
-Remington Drive
-Getting to have Christmas breakfast with my cousin Brett
-Whitney, Perryn, Reed the Man-Child, Dani, Torri, Christopher (excuse me, Arthur!), Gillian, War-chief Will, Bailey, and other old-schoolers
-Bragging about the students I have the blessing to know to people who probably won't meet them this side of eternity
-TOD with Mongoose
-The look on some of some former students' faces when they saw Claire...with me!
-A Playoff spot (Thanks, HG!)

And the list goes on and on...I hope you enjoyed what you were given, because the best gifts aren't found under a tree or in a box or even with a bow. So, for the final time, Merry Christmas to you, and a Happy New Year!! May you learn to thrive in the overflow and drink from your saucer!

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