Thursday, October 8, 2009

30,000 ft. Thoughts...

So I'm on my way to the Big Easy with my friends Kyle, Jimmy, and Tyler and I'm 30,000 feet in the air!! How cool is that?!? They offer Wi-Fi on flights now!! Anyway, I wanted to drop a line following up last night's Bible study. We talked about Struggles. I know, I know--how generic. But the angle was to embrace struggle and see what God has for you to get out of it. Too many people run from the struggles in their lives, refusing to deal with their struggles until they get to the other side of it and see what they learned. I want to have struggle in my life. I desire to be more than I am now, and it won't happen if everything goes my way and remains "easy." I want to embrace my struggles.

This was just a brief synopsis of last night's time in The MIDDLE. Now that you're up to speed, I'm going to ask you to do something. No, it's not about your struggles, but about another friend of mine. Her name is Sarah. She is a year younger than me and her husband was killed last night in a car accident. I know this is HUGE for her, so please pray for her and this time and great struggle in her life. Pray for comfort and strength in the days ahead, as well as God putting people in her life to help get her through this difficult time.

Plane's landing...time to return my chair to its upright position. Thanks for praying for Sarah. See you on the ground.

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