Saturday, October 24, 2009

4 Years and Counting

This week I celebrated my 4th wedding anniversary...with my wife. Someone asked me today, "Does it seem like 4 years?" My response was a simple 'no', but now that I've done some thinking...the answer is still 'no.'

But there is a certain aspect to the whole thing that perhaps adds to this brief time I've had with my bride, so I'll be honest with you (all 3 of you that actually read this!!!): I could do better. Seriously, I don't think I'm awful at being a husband. I mean, I've never done it before meeting Amanda, so it's not like I have tons of experience to draw from. I haven't read lotts of books on the subject, which is again my fault. But after an evaluation of the big picture, I could do better.

So here's my vow: I vow to make the next 4 years of my marriage 400% better than the first four. I vow to pay more attention to the little things, and to finally learn how to pick up on those "subtle hints" that seem to go right by without me noticing them. I vow to listen more and not try to 'fix' everything. I vow to have more date nights, even if we don't leave the house. And I gotta learn how to make my wife smile & blush again (blush out of flattery, not embarassment...she's done plenty of that). It doesn't happen as much as it used to. Why am I telling/typing you this?

I don't know.

But ask me about it sometime to make sure I'm following through. More importantly, ask my wife, she'll know better than I will if I'm doing a good job.

Amanda, I love you and thank you for allowing me to have the greatest and most complimentary title any guy can ask for: your husband.

P.S. - Are you blushing, A?

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