Sunday, November 1, 2009

Designer Genes & Magazines

It certainly won't be the last time, but this is the first. I haven't "blogged" in a while (still not a fan of that word!), but I have plenty of thoughts. Unfortunately, they aren't linear, so this will just be a 'what's on my mind' type-o-thing!!

I'm a fan of tabs/bullet points.

-Va-ca-ca-ca-ca-ca-tion!!!! That's right!! As of tonight, I am unofficially officially on vacation! Amanda and I haven't taken a vacation in THREE YEARS!! Seriously, the last vacation we were on was our one year wedding anniversary to Orlando, which was BRICK!!! Loved it! Had a blast! Do it again!! But, between busy schedules, pregnancy, baby, and great big awesome cool stuff, we've never found the time, place, or money to have another...till now!! Granted, it's just to the beach for a few days, but I am sooooooooooooo pumped for some down time with my family!! So, if you need something for the next few days, as my friend Philip would say, "Call somebody else!" (Seriously, if either of you need something, call just might be a day or two before I get back with you...or....longer...).

-Green Bay lost. AGAIN. To the Minnesota Vikings. AGAIN! I am displeased by this. AGAIN!!!

-My brother's heart hurts. This may be the 'Designer Genes' part of the title, because when he hurts, I hurt for him. It sucks. He's pretty ticked off right now too, so you may not want to bring it up!

-I love football magazines, but other than the month of May, I have no new mags to read. This is serving two purposes in my life: 1) God's telling me to read something else, something more of His...taking a book on vacation, and 2) I'm in a football pool that I really suck at and am in last place, so I don't think the magazines are helping. Great. Last place again!

-Did I mention I'm on vacation?

-If I went back and did the high school thing again, what would I do different and how would I screw THAT up!?! I see many of our students at church rockin' it out, but so many that are just standing on the sidelines with their thumb up their...gloves, waiting for someone to do Life for them. WHAT?!? Live YOUR LIFE!!! Quit expecting others to do it for you!! You can do it!! I've seen it done before!! People are watching and waiting for your example! They need you to show them how! I'm one of 'em!

-Ok, this may get me kicked out or at least reprimanded in Baptistland, but my new show is 'Modern Family.' Yes, I know this show portrays a gay couple with an adopted baby, which would make staunch conservatives frown on me for my "attitude of acceptance" and what not. Look, I get it. No, I'm not down with homosexuality. It's a sin and displeases God because it's not what He intended when He created men and women different. Did it take God by surprise? No. We're humans. Have you seen how bad we messed up SO MUCH OTHER STUFF? Even if He didn't know everything (which He does) or see what was going down before there was anything we are familiar with (which He did/does), do you really think that after all this time anything we do would surprise Him?!? Besides, I sin. I'm a sinner. I don't justify it, but my sin is just as much sin as anything or anyone else's. Love the sinner. Dislike the sin. That's what God does for me daily. 'Modern Family' shows where we're at as a society with a humorous spin. Besides, have you seen how funny that junk is?!?

-And now, to close, a list of heroes (in no certain order):
Spider-Man, Hulk, Nate, Abraham Lincoln, Mom, Wallace, Mongoose, Bonhoeffer, Yukon Cornelius, Jack Bauer, Ruckus, Sawyer, John David Stutz, DavEd, Claire, Reed, You, Coop, Durden, William Wallace, Anita, Jerry, Butch, and Amanda. (Jesus is a given, so don't write ugly messages!).

And always remember: Help control the pet population. Have your pet spayed or neutered!!

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