Monday, November 23, 2009

No Mo' Woe to Me!!

Y'know, I kinda like blogging. It's not a passion or something I think about all day, nor is it something I do on a consistent basis (life happens, and that's more fun than typing). But I still enjoy it. It's a great way to just throw something out there that I'm thinking about or working through...or just something to get out of my head and onto something.


So here we are, approaching Thanksgiving. Nah, I'll blog on that tomorrow. Yeah, I'm aiming for two blogs, two days. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Recently, I have witnessed a certain lifestyle that really confuses me. I understand what it's about, but the sources that I have seen it lived out in, it just doesn't make sense to me. So let's discuss...

A certain mentality exists 'out there' that is, more or less, a pitfall of common thought. I call it the "victim mentality." To sum up a quick definition, the victim mentality is that mindset someone has that leads them to believe that things are never their fault; that it's always the forces beyond their control that brings this down on them rather than their own actions (or lack thereof); a mentality that takes on a re-active response rather than a proactive one; a mindset that focuses on the 'woe is me' in certain situations and a content with that remaining the focus. This mentality is one that none of us are beyond or incapable of having, but a trap that convinces us of a lack of responsibilty or ability to have the power to change things by our own actions.

Is this getting confusing?

I've seen it in people that refuse to accept the fact that they are, or could be, wrong in a situation. Rather than accepting fault, they accuse the outside world of the putting them in the situation. It's a mentality that focuses on self, rather than the bigger picture. They see how the situation affects 'me' vs. how 'me' can affect the situation. It's a "me-first-and-only" attitude that is a form of justification of action (or lack thereof) that paints the person to look like the victim in the situation. That way, the outside world makes excuses for that person. They do not hold them to the same standard as everyone else...or at least, that is the ultimate goal for the person with the victim mentality.

Here's something for ya: "Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life. (Galatians 6:4, The Message)"

Translation? Live your life. Quit making excuses for yourself. Quit justifying your short comings. Stop looking at what others have done that supposedly put you into the situation that YOU got yourself in. Accept responsibility for your mistakes. Stop worrying about everyone else when it's your situation. Do what God has called YOU to do, because no one else in existence can live out God's will for YOUR life. And don't be stuck on yourself. Open your eyes. Recognize the outside world and then take your place in allowing God to use you to change it. Admit when you're wrong. Stop trying to take the splinter out of everyone else's eye when you have a plank in your own. And it's ok to ask for help! That's what the Body of Christ is here for!! Quit blaming them, and accept the goodness God offers through them. Stop being 'me-focused.'

You're not a victim.
It just might be your fault.
What are you going to do about it now?

The world is waiting.
The people are watching.
The Father is calling.

Your move...

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