Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dear Jerry,

Dear JMc,

What's up!! Hard to believe it's been 20 years! A lot has changed since we hung out last, but overall, I suppose not much really. I mean, sure, people age and life does its thing, but I'm about the same. Of course, as you know, I got married to an incredible girl. I would LOVE to see the two of you hang out! That would be a trip! You would get along great, that's for sure!! I've told her about you, so she's excited about meeting you someday. 

And then there's Claire. We had her ONE YEAR Birthday just two weeks ago!! Now THAT'S a crazy thought!! I remember telling you about her, but there's just so much more to it than I expected! I'm sure you wouldn't be too surprised, given the whole 'parenthood' thing, but for me it's pretty mind-blowing. I'm sure much of it is learning how to be a parent, but little girls?? That's a whole new ballgame! She's a mess too! She's walking all over the place, which increases her "mischievous" factor. She really wants to be able to climb. I'm sure that part will get here soon enough.

Nate's going back to school. I suppose it's not 'school' but more of PTA...school. Ok, so maybe it is school. He's got this crazy hunger for schooling, which is ironic because of how many times you had to 'encourage' him to work harder. It worked. The boy's a genius. He's got more knowledge about stuff I can't even spell!! And through it all, he hasn't lost his edge of hilarity. The basketball thing didn't work out, but I know you're still proud of him. Besides, I just couldn't see him in the NBA...

Mom's steady busy, as usual. She does her thing at the kitchen at church every week. It may give her a headache every now and then, but she loves it. Every time we talk on the phone she brings it up. But you know her: loves to cook for large groups of people, so it's right up her alley. Other than that, she loves being a grandmother, and she really is a "Grand"mother. She loves it. It's funny, but still shows my stupidity and naivity, but she's still teaching me stuff about what an incredible parent looks like. You'd think I would have learned and developed the deepest sense of parenting/hood from her, but she still surprises and amazes me. I don't know how you pulled it off, but you married WAY over your head!! Congratulations though!! Personally, I know there was absolutely no one better for you or the job ahead of you guys. 

In closing, 20 years is a lot, but I know when we get together, we'll have more than enough time to catch up. Take it easy and enjoy yourself, even though that's a little silly to ask. I know you're loving it! Tell the family I said hello. Don't know when I'll see you again, but know that I think about you everyday. I miss you.

I love you, Dad.

Lovingly your son,

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