Monday, November 9, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baby(?) Claire!!

What a difference a year makes...

Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday, Dear Sweet Precious Claire!
Happy Birthday to you!

We celebrated. We ate. We Chuck E. Cheesed. We ice creamed. We laughed. We visited. And now, just like last year, we slept.

I thought life was awesome until a year ago. Then I learned what living was really about.

Thank you Amanda. I love you so much for sharing and bringing this joy in my life!
Thank you Claire. I love you! We'll have our struggles, but none so great to overshadow my love.
Thank you God. You are the Giver of Life, Love, Baby Girls, Sweet Wives, and overall--angels. You never cease to amaze me.

Happy First Birthday, Baby Claire!!
Daddy loves you!

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