Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Top Ten List of Best Christmas Presents this year!

So maybe this sounds a bit materialistic, but I promise it's not. I got some GREAT presents this year, and I just had to share with you what they were! I'm not doing this to try and make you jealous. Promise! I am so pumped about this stuff, I just had to let you know what it was! Maybe you could see your presents in a different light as well! Who knows! All I know is that I couldn't stop smiling while compiling this list! ENJOY!

-The look on my mom's face when Claire would walk towards her with her arms raised in the “Pick me up!” fashion.
-The apple pie Nate was feeding Claire, all the while laughing his head off as she would walk towards him chanting “Nyack! Nyack!” (That's baby for 'Snack'). She learned quickly that the more she said it, the more pie he would give her! Uncle Nate = Sucker!!!
-The movies and football games I got to watch with my father-in-law, as well as the dinners and lunches we got to have together.
-The smile my wife gave while watching our daughter unwrap presents or playing in her ball pool.
-Laughs from Danny, whether it's text, phone, face-to-face...
-The numerous long conversations with my brother about life, ministry, movies, football, memories, hopes, video games, family, music, and Best Buy.
-The 2009 Brothers Bowl (not aired on ESPN or ESPN2, but hoping for a contract)...without even throwing a pass
-A couple of free movies with some incredible guys & sticking it to Yuppietown (yes, this counts as one present because they go hand-in-hand)
-The tears in my mother and mother-in-law's eyes while Amanda and I opened gifts with that “I love you so much more than I could give you” look.
-Laughs from Afghanistan!

So these don't make the Top Ten, but worth telling you about:
-The look on my wife's face after Claire spit-up on her...face. And in her hair. And on her neck. And so on.
-Lunch and conversation at the Country Fisherman in Mendenhall, Mississippi
-Remington Drive
-Getting to have Christmas breakfast with my cousin Brett
-Whitney, Perryn, Reed the Man-Child, Dani, Torri, Christopher (excuse me, Arthur!), Gillian, War-chief Will, Bailey, and other old-schoolers
-Bragging about the students I have the blessing to know to people who probably won't meet them this side of eternity
-TOD with Mongoose
-The look on some of some former students' faces when they saw Claire...with me!
-A Playoff spot (Thanks, HG!)

And the list goes on and on...I hope you enjoyed what you were given, because the best gifts aren't found under a tree or in a box or even with a bow. So, for the final time, Merry Christmas to you, and a Happy New Year!! May you learn to thrive in the overflow and drink from your saucer!

Monday, December 21, 2009

College CRASH Christmas Party

Simply put: I love the CCC Party. Now, I'm sorry to any and all that may be offended by the following, but I must give credit to my friend "Trips" and admit that I readily agree with her presumption that it is my favorite Christmas party/event I attend yearly. It is simply unbelievable!! Here's the rundown from this year's event:

We had about 35 folks gather in the YAB (we gotta get a better name for that thing!) to celebrate. Of course, Ricardo spent the large portion of the day cooking, which happened to be spaghetti with a special sauce this year. Magnificent! Of course, the conversation was filled with stories of the freshly concluded semester, memories of times together, and simple laughter from the joy of once again being reunited....and many remarks about Stephanie's interruption of one HIGHLY emotional (and Jamaica's favorite) Prison Guard's story of God's faithfulness on the mission field!!

Once the meal ended (and the laughter grew), we re-arranged for our annual College War over who could walk away with the finest prize found in the wrapped packages!! There were many candidates for best gift: Terminator movies, G.I. Joe, Nerf Shotguns, Snuggies...all great gifts. The most popular gifts (those most traded) were items like a Hello Kitty Toaster, a Mag Lite, some other kind of flashlight, an iTunes gift card (illegal), the Bump-It, and a funny-yet-awkward board game. But the most desired gift above all was the shirt. Now this isn't just ANY shirt. No no, this shirt was special. It was from my friend K-Town, and this shirt had to change hands at least 20 times or more!! I'd love to tell you more, but it just couldn't do it justice. Once the smoke cleared and we all realized what we had done, we smiled, laughed, loved, and cleaned up. It was beautiful.

Is this post meant to inspire you? Remind you of what you missed? Bore you? While it may have accomplished all of this, the purpose of these words were to remind you to do one special thing this Christmas: spend time with the people you love, and love every minute of it by loving them. One of the best gifts you get every year, but rarely take the time to stop and be thankful for, is the people in your life that make the most of your life. Enjoy your parents, friends, siblings, cousins, grandparents, neighbors, in-laws, or whoever else you absolutely adore. Your Christmas would be quite lonely without them. You can always find new presents, but those beautiful people God has placed in your life are the true gifts. And just like all presents, Remember, don't shake too hard!

Of course, THE GREATEST GIFT is Jesus Christ, which is why we celebrate Christmas at all. Praise God for the greatest Christmas present I could never find on my own: Salvation.

Merry Christmas to All!!! Much love...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I belong to the most beautiful two girls God ever created.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Home Alone

My wife and daughter have been missing from our house since Friday morning. Here are a few differences I have noticed:

-It's quieter...and this isn't necessarily a good thing...
-Lots more available hot water
-I've left my 360 controller out on the coffee table for a record 3 days without putting it up
-Elvis and Riley sleep LOTS more than I originally thought (maybe I'm just THAT boring!)
-There's a LOT more room in the bed when I'm the only one...but I fill that space with pillows
-I can turn the TV up LOUD...even after 8:30 p.m.

And these are just a few things. It's been different. There have been some nice things about it. But overall, I'm ready for them to get back. Elvis just doesn't make me smile like Claire can, and Riley isn't that good of a cuddler.

Tonight is our CRASH Leadership Christmas party. It's going to ROCK!! Our parents have volunteered to serve the leaders that volunteer to minister and love on their children (teenagers). What a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas!! Giving back to those who give freely of themselves for the benefit of their teenager! I love it.

And even though I'm home, I still imagine the girls around the house. Prime example, I'm waiting for the party to start and the guests to arrive, and started looking in the mirror thinking, "If Amanda were here, she'd make me change outta these blue jeans and 3/4 length t-shirt." So now I'm in my Sunday pants with button-down shirt!! She'd be so proud (don't tell her I'm still wearing my Pumas though!).

So tonight, I'll leave from the party and embark to my two-dog-empty home. The Packers are playing tonight, and since no one will be at the house to watch tv, I've already changed the channels on BOTH tvs to be on the right channel to where when I get home, alls (for you, PPP) I have to do is turn on them on and watch the game!! After much victorious delight (hopefully), I will retire to sleep in my big, lonely bed.

It's been a relaxing and quiet time without my girls.

I won't miss it.

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL (...yeah, all 3 of you that read this...BUT YOU MATTER!!!!!)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Tiiiiiiime is Heeeeeeeere...(Which Christmas Special is THAT from??)

I love the Christmas season, as do many, and enjoy seeing it come around each year. Now, I also don't mind seeing it go away for a little while, but love having it around. My ideal Christmas season involves lots of cold weather (snow optional...although I've never had a white Christmas and would like to try it out sometime), eggnog -- particularly Vanilla Spice (can I get an a-men from a male McCabe?!?), bright Christmas lights, seeing ALL my friends and family, Christmas music, incredible Christmas movies, and so on.

What? Which Christmas movies? Glad you asked...(not in this order necessarily):

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation ("Take you out in the desert, leave ya for dead??")
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer ("I want to be...A DENTIST!")
A Christmas Story ("Fra-jeel-a...oh, must be Italian!")
A Charlie Brown Christmas ("Sure, Charlie Brown, I'll tell you what Christmas is all about.")
Elf ("Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?")
Fred Claus ("The lightning quick guy with the yellow thingies...")

To name a few...

So now you know, even though you didn't ask.

But then again, that's why this is MY blog!!!

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dear Jerry,

Dear JMc,

What's up!! Hard to believe it's been 20 years! A lot has changed since we hung out last, but overall, I suppose not much really. I mean, sure, people age and life does its thing, but I'm about the same. Of course, as you know, I got married to an incredible girl. I would LOVE to see the two of you hang out! That would be a trip! You would get along great, that's for sure!! I've told her about you, so she's excited about meeting you someday. 

And then there's Claire. We had her ONE YEAR Birthday just two weeks ago!! Now THAT'S a crazy thought!! I remember telling you about her, but there's just so much more to it than I expected! I'm sure you wouldn't be too surprised, given the whole 'parenthood' thing, but for me it's pretty mind-blowing. I'm sure much of it is learning how to be a parent, but little girls?? That's a whole new ballgame! She's a mess too! She's walking all over the place, which increases her "mischievous" factor. She really wants to be able to climb. I'm sure that part will get here soon enough.

Nate's going back to school. I suppose it's not 'school' but more of Ok, so maybe it is school. He's got this crazy hunger for schooling, which is ironic because of how many times you had to 'encourage' him to work harder. It worked. The boy's a genius. He's got more knowledge about stuff I can't even spell!! And through it all, he hasn't lost his edge of hilarity. The basketball thing didn't work out, but I know you're still proud of him. Besides, I just couldn't see him in the NBA...

Mom's steady busy, as usual. She does her thing at the kitchen at church every week. It may give her a headache every now and then, but she loves it. Every time we talk on the phone she brings it up. But you know her: loves to cook for large groups of people, so it's right up her alley. Other than that, she loves being a grandmother, and she really is a "Grand"mother. She loves it. It's funny, but still shows my stupidity and naivity, but she's still teaching me stuff about what an incredible parent looks like. You'd think I would have learned and developed the deepest sense of parenting/hood from her, but she still surprises and amazes me. I don't know how you pulled it off, but you married WAY over your head!! Congratulations though!! Personally, I know there was absolutely no one better for you or the job ahead of you guys. 

In closing, 20 years is a lot, but I know when we get together, we'll have more than enough time to catch up. Take it easy and enjoy yourself, even though that's a little silly to ask. I know you're loving it! Tell the family I said hello. Don't know when I'll see you again, but know that I think about you everyday. I miss you.

I love you, Dad.

Lovingly your son,

Monday, November 23, 2009

No Mo' Woe to Me!!

Y'know, I kinda like blogging. It's not a passion or something I think about all day, nor is it something I do on a consistent basis (life happens, and that's more fun than typing). But I still enjoy it. It's a great way to just throw something out there that I'm thinking about or working through...or just something to get out of my head and onto something.


So here we are, approaching Thanksgiving. Nah, I'll blog on that tomorrow. Yeah, I'm aiming for two blogs, two days. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Recently, I have witnessed a certain lifestyle that really confuses me. I understand what it's about, but the sources that I have seen it lived out in, it just doesn't make sense to me. So let's discuss...

A certain mentality exists 'out there' that is, more or less, a pitfall of common thought. I call it the "victim mentality." To sum up a quick definition, the victim mentality is that mindset someone has that leads them to believe that things are never their fault; that it's always the forces beyond their control that brings this down on them rather than their own actions (or lack thereof); a mentality that takes on a re-active response rather than a proactive one; a mindset that focuses on the 'woe is me' in certain situations and a content with that remaining the focus. This mentality is one that none of us are beyond or incapable of having, but a trap that convinces us of a lack of responsibilty or ability to have the power to change things by our own actions.

Is this getting confusing?

I've seen it in people that refuse to accept the fact that they are, or could be, wrong in a situation. Rather than accepting fault, they accuse the outside world of the putting them in the situation. It's a mentality that focuses on self, rather than the bigger picture. They see how the situation affects 'me' vs. how 'me' can affect the situation. It's a "me-first-and-only" attitude that is a form of justification of action (or lack thereof) that paints the person to look like the victim in the situation. That way, the outside world makes excuses for that person. They do not hold them to the same standard as everyone else...or at least, that is the ultimate goal for the person with the victim mentality.

Here's something for ya: "Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life. (Galatians 6:4, The Message)"

Translation? Live your life. Quit making excuses for yourself. Quit justifying your short comings. Stop looking at what others have done that supposedly put you into the situation that YOU got yourself in. Accept responsibility for your mistakes. Stop worrying about everyone else when it's your situation. Do what God has called YOU to do, because no one else in existence can live out God's will for YOUR life. And don't be stuck on yourself. Open your eyes. Recognize the outside world and then take your place in allowing God to use you to change it. Admit when you're wrong. Stop trying to take the splinter out of everyone else's eye when you have a plank in your own. And it's ok to ask for help! That's what the Body of Christ is here for!! Quit blaming them, and accept the goodness God offers through them. Stop being 'me-focused.'

You're not a victim.
It just might be your fault.
What are you going to do about it now?

The world is waiting.
The people are watching.
The Father is calling.

Your move...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hey Stone-thrower-person!

If you want to be a martyr, move somewhere that what you do or believe is illegal. Stop standing on a hill of self-righteousness throwing stones at the innocent, believing and convincing others it's the right thing to do.

There's no room for self-righteousness before God.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baby(?) Claire!!

What a difference a year makes...

Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday, Dear Sweet Precious Claire!
Happy Birthday to you!

We celebrated. We ate. We Chuck E. Cheesed. We ice creamed. We laughed. We visited. And now, just like last year, we slept.

I thought life was awesome until a year ago. Then I learned what living was really about.

Thank you Amanda. I love you so much for sharing and bringing this joy in my life!
Thank you Claire. I love you! We'll have our struggles, but none so great to overshadow my love.
Thank you God. You are the Giver of Life, Love, Baby Girls, Sweet Wives, and overall--angels. You never cease to amaze me.

Happy First Birthday, Baby Claire!!
Daddy loves you!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Penny for Your Thoughts is Still Too Steep!

I respect all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons. Some gain respect based off profession and their willingness to lay it down for someone else (i.e. firemen, police officers, teachers, military, etc.). Some garner respect for the sweat that it takes to successfully pull off a job. A hard worker is not easy to come by, so hats off. Others merit respect through integrity, or success rate, or even how they lift everyone else around them to a higher level. Rock on.

But daily I learn more and more how much respect I need to give to ministers. No, not because I am one, so don't think I'm patting myself on the back. Trust me, I'm not even worthy enough to be an intern's associate's secretary's part-time secondary trash-taker-outter temp. No, I'm learning what those folks have to deal with for the rest of their lives, not just when they're in the pulpit or office, or when they're "on the clock" (which, for the record, is 24-7-365-ever for ministers...).

One area that I'm becoming highly educated in recently is that of opinion. You've heard the saying, "Opinions are like belly buttons--everyone's got one," or something similar. But ministers apparently cannot afford to have their own. See, as I have learned, a minister's opinion is drastically different than someone else's opinion. Lots of people have and give their opinion, and it's either accepted or refuted in fun or debate. Then, when the conversation has moved on, they're still the same ol' same ol' person they were before they interjected their thoughts. The difference for ministers is that they are never heard as a person. Their opinions are always heard in the context of ministers. See, whenever the topic is dropped or the conversation has moved on, people still hear the opinion of that person (who is a minister) and volunteer it in the context of other areas of life.

The next problem lies with the receiver. See, everyone has their expectations of ministers. Many people tend to think that ministers can be used as a walking, breathing doormat to walk on and force their ideas upon because ministers are always supposed to be validators of opinions and never argue or dispute. But if/when they do, then suddenly that minister becomes a "problem," closed-minded, or my favorite (sarcasm) "doesn't like me!"

For example, Charlie Churchmember befriends Mickey Minister. They get along well, and have even had a few lunches or dinners together with family. One day, Charlie discusses with Mickey his ideas on something totally unrelated to the church. Let's say he brings up thoughts on a local principal at school. Charlie doesn't like the principal. That principal "got onto his kid one day when he didn't deserve it!" (One day, we'll dive into the idea of parenting teens...but I digress) Mickey disagrees with Charlie and supports the principal because of his consistency and integrity. Let's also pretend that Mickey has no children in that school. Suddenly, the situation becomes factual that our minister doesn't like Charlie's kids and is glad they got in trouble, and also supports Mr./s. Principal that believes in yelling at innocent children, which leads to a biased opinion of Mickey's children in Charlie's eyes, and even goes into the reality of refusing Charlie's children to hang out with Mickey's children. Then, when Charlie gets around some other parents that don't like the principal, the ensuing conversation starts with, "Well, y'know our minister supports this evil person..." It's not, "Mickey likes the guy." Nope, it's the 'minister' and his opinion that gets attacked, which leads others to take issue with the 'minister' in question.

It's ok to laugh or disagree, but I've seen it happen over and over again. And yes, even that exact situation has been carried out with people I know!! It's ridiculous. I haven't been burned as bad as "Mickey" and other ministers I know (mainly pastors and longer-tenured ministers), but I've seen it and experienced it a few times myself. And people wonder why ministers don't have many close friends...

But, I suppose all this is just one 'minister's' opinion. In the grand scheme of things, my opinion really doesn't matter. And sometimes, it may even differ from your own. If so, don't paint ministers with the paintbrush of stupidity or small-mindedness. Blame me and me alone. I may not be able to afford to have my own opinion, but at the same time, your own may be a little overpriced!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Designer Genes & Magazines

It certainly won't be the last time, but this is the first. I haven't "blogged" in a while (still not a fan of that word!), but I have plenty of thoughts. Unfortunately, they aren't linear, so this will just be a 'what's on my mind' type-o-thing!!

I'm a fan of tabs/bullet points.

-Va-ca-ca-ca-ca-ca-tion!!!! That's right!! As of tonight, I am unofficially officially on vacation! Amanda and I haven't taken a vacation in THREE YEARS!! Seriously, the last vacation we were on was our one year wedding anniversary to Orlando, which was BRICK!!! Loved it! Had a blast! Do it again!! But, between busy schedules, pregnancy, baby, and great big awesome cool stuff, we've never found the time, place, or money to have another...till now!! Granted, it's just to the beach for a few days, but I am sooooooooooooo pumped for some down time with my family!! So, if you need something for the next few days, as my friend Philip would say, "Call somebody else!" (Seriously, if either of you need something, call just might be a day or two before I get back with you...or....longer...).

-Green Bay lost. AGAIN. To the Minnesota Vikings. AGAIN! I am displeased by this. AGAIN!!!

-My brother's heart hurts. This may be the 'Designer Genes' part of the title, because when he hurts, I hurt for him. It sucks. He's pretty ticked off right now too, so you may not want to bring it up!

-I love football magazines, but other than the month of May, I have no new mags to read. This is serving two purposes in my life: 1) God's telling me to read something else, something more of His...taking a book on vacation, and 2) I'm in a football pool that I really suck at and am in last place, so I don't think the magazines are helping. Great. Last place again!

-Did I mention I'm on vacation?

-If I went back and did the high school thing again, what would I do different and how would I screw THAT up!?! I see many of our students at church rockin' it out, but so many that are just standing on the sidelines with their thumb up their...gloves, waiting for someone to do Life for them. WHAT?!? Live YOUR LIFE!!! Quit expecting others to do it for you!! You can do it!! I've seen it done before!! People are watching and waiting for your example! They need you to show them how! I'm one of 'em!

-Ok, this may get me kicked out or at least reprimanded in Baptistland, but my new show is 'Modern Family.' Yes, I know this show portrays a gay couple with an adopted baby, which would make staunch conservatives frown on me for my "attitude of acceptance" and what not. Look, I get it. No, I'm not down with homosexuality. It's a sin and displeases God because it's not what He intended when He created men and women different. Did it take God by surprise? No. We're humans. Have you seen how bad we messed up SO MUCH OTHER STUFF? Even if He didn't know everything (which He does) or see what was going down before there was anything we are familiar with (which He did/does), do you really think that after all this time anything we do would surprise Him?!? Besides, I sin. I'm a sinner. I don't justify it, but my sin is just as much sin as anything or anyone else's. Love the sinner. Dislike the sin. That's what God does for me daily. 'Modern Family' shows where we're at as a society with a humorous spin. Besides, have you seen how funny that junk is?!?

-And now, to close, a list of heroes (in no certain order):
Spider-Man, Hulk, Nate, Abraham Lincoln, Mom, Wallace, Mongoose, Bonhoeffer, Yukon Cornelius, Jack Bauer, Ruckus, Sawyer, John David Stutz, DavEd, Claire, Reed, You, Coop, Durden, William Wallace, Anita, Jerry, Butch, and Amanda. (Jesus is a given, so don't write ugly messages!).

And always remember: Help control the pet population. Have your pet spayed or neutered!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

4 Years and Counting

This week I celebrated my 4th wedding anniversary...with my wife. Someone asked me today, "Does it seem like 4 years?" My response was a simple 'no', but now that I've done some thinking...the answer is still 'no.'

But there is a certain aspect to the whole thing that perhaps adds to this brief time I've had with my bride, so I'll be honest with you (all 3 of you that actually read this!!!): I could do better. Seriously, I don't think I'm awful at being a husband. I mean, I've never done it before meeting Amanda, so it's not like I have tons of experience to draw from. I haven't read lotts of books on the subject, which is again my fault. But after an evaluation of the big picture, I could do better.

So here's my vow: I vow to make the next 4 years of my marriage 400% better than the first four. I vow to pay more attention to the little things, and to finally learn how to pick up on those "subtle hints" that seem to go right by without me noticing them. I vow to listen more and not try to 'fix' everything. I vow to have more date nights, even if we don't leave the house. And I gotta learn how to make my wife smile & blush again (blush out of flattery, not embarassment...she's done plenty of that). It doesn't happen as much as it used to. Why am I telling/typing you this?

I don't know.

But ask me about it sometime to make sure I'm following through. More importantly, ask my wife, she'll know better than I will if I'm doing a good job.

Amanda, I love you and thank you for allowing me to have the greatest and most complimentary title any guy can ask for: your husband.

P.S. - Are you blushing, A?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The more things change, the more they stay the same

I am a loser.

But you know, I'm totally ok with it!! That's the best part! I'm a dork, but it's ok!! And you know what else...I've always been a moron!! 

Last night, I went for a short walk down Dunwoody Rd. to Memory Ln. and briefly visited with one of my friends from high school (through facebook, of course). I was looking at old pics and memories, laughing the entire time. While I was not in many of the pics (such a LOSER! I wouldn't have wanted me in them either!), they were of trips and events and days gone by that I remember well. I was laughing at the fashion, the hairstyles, the inside jokes...all the while remembering "who I was." 

Working with teenagers/students, I have determined and defined the true meaning of maturity. For some reason that I still haven't figured out, the teenagers world is greatly about image. What people think, what people look like, where people go, yadda yadda yadda. You'd think I could come up with something more insightful than that after 12 years of working with students. BUT, I haven't. I'm not very smart, so I like to keep it simple. So here's what I've come up with in regards to defining maturity. This is so complex and deep and brilliant and ingenious that you may need to take a minute to take a deep breath and be prepared to go where mentally you've never been. 


Yes, laughter.

Looking at all those pics, laughing as hard as I was, it dawned on me that I'm not much different now than I was then. I'm a little older, got married, and moved into the Fatherhood, but I'm pretty much the same guy. Few things are different: I'm not NEAR as self-conscious about my choice of clothes (I just gave didn't work for me then, doesn't work for me now...), I drive a cooler ride, and I can shave now and notice a difference. But everything else is about the same. And that's what's so funny!!! I can laugh at myself then and now!!! I see how bad I screw up and it's hilarious. Sometimes, it's only hilarious after it gets fixed, but still hilarious!! Then? I would screw something up all the time, and then take the next month analyzing it, second-guessing myself, play out 'what-if' scenarios to put me to sleep, analyze the scenarios, and then realize that it was then too late to do anything about it!! All of this probably contributed to the absence of a dating life. But I was hilarious!! I couldn't laugh at myself then, but I can laugh at the 'old' me (young version) just as hard as I can laugh at now me (older version)!! Some of the coolest students I know are the ones that can laugh at themselves and not care! The people that make the biggest impact are those who do not take themselves too seriously. So if you're a student reading this, don't put on the fake "Yeah, I can laugh at myself" just to convince yourself you're mature. Rather, look back and see if you can laugh at some of your most momentous blunders in your life!! If they still sting, give it time. 

But don't take yourself too seriously. No one else does, so you're only wasting YOUR time!! Rather, enjoy the ups and downs; the victories and failures. Embrace life for what it is and quit trying to make it something it's not!! And who knows, maybe one day on your trip down Memory Ln. at the end of the street where you OWN A HOUSE (it's still weird at times!! I'm not old enough to own a house...), you'll be able to look back, laugh, and learn that life is about the here and now and not what was or what it might be. And always remember...

It's ok to laugh!

Special thanks to you, C!! Thanks for the grins!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Re-Writing a Classic

Many people would think what I'm about to do is blasphemy. If that's you, it's ok to be wrong. Some would think I'm making lite of an age old song. If that's you, you should probably stop thinking for yourself for a few days. But while this is a re-write of an age-old favorite, it's still my testimony. I'm no lyricist, but try to put the words to the tune. I promise you'll know it.

Jesus Loves Me
by Anna B. Warner and William B. Bradbury
Re-written by some local idiot

Jesus loves me! This I know!
For the Bible and the evidence of forgiveness and grace and an unending supply of unfailing love tell me so.
Little ones, and tall ones too, to Him belong;
We are incredibly weak and worthless and ignorant and sinful and incapable of doing anything on our own, but He is strong.

Yes, Jesus loves me (for some reason)!
Yes, Jesus loves me (even though I don't deserve it)!
Yes, Jesus loves me (and it changes my life daily)!
The Bible, through the Holy Spirit showing me meaning and understanding, tells me so!

I'm looking to get in the studio as soon as possible.
What's your song?

Friday, October 9, 2009

New Orleans Cuisine...Worth the Weight!!

I love New Orleans!! I love the city and so much that has to do with it! The people are awesome--everyone is always so down to Earth. I love the architecture of the buildings and the rustic feel of it all (some of it is intentional, alot of it is not, and most of that is due to either age, Katrina, or both). I love the Seminary where I spent 3 years studying. I love the people I was here with! My former roommate Mark and I have talked about 2589899776234 times since I've been here. So much about this city still feels like "home" to a certain extent. I miss it. Now, I don't miss the class part of it!! Don't get me wrong, I loved learning and my professors. Awesome, awesome guys!! What I DON'T miss is the anxious feelings in the pit of my stomach as I was running late to class or getting ready for another exam I wasn't fully prepared for.

But I digress.

The whole point of this post was for, perhaps, my most favorite aspect of New Orleans: THE FOOD!! I remember being in school down here how much I enjoyed to delicacies of the city, but was always broke. I couldn't enjoy it as much as I would have liked. This visit? I'm diving in!

We've been eating at some incredible places!! Yesterday afternoon, we grabbed some eats at The Corner in Jackson Square. Dinner last night was at Italian Pie on Veteran's Blvd (Pizza Sub). Of course, we topped the evening off at Cafe DuMonde with some beignets and hot chocolate. Yes, it was 81 degrees last night, but nothing tops a beignet covered in powdered sugar, dipped in a hot chocolate. THE BEST!!!!!!!! Today for lunch was Deanie's. This may sound arrogant or disgusting, but I could NOT believe how much I ate!! Seriously, I had the Crawfish Duo (Fried Crawfish tails and Crawfish Etouffee) PLUS a half of a Crawfish PoBoy!! Sadly, I ate it all.

And now, remarkably, Kyle and I are discussing where to eat dinner. Tyler and Jimmy are eating at Ralph and Kacoo's with the other prospective students and professors, so we are on our own. Should it be red beans and rice? Gumbo? Or should we just skip supper and bury ourselves in Pralines?? Decisions, decisions...

What do you recommend???

Thursday, October 8, 2009

30,000 ft. Thoughts...

So I'm on my way to the Big Easy with my friends Kyle, Jimmy, and Tyler and I'm 30,000 feet in the air!! How cool is that?!? They offer Wi-Fi on flights now!! Anyway, I wanted to drop a line following up last night's Bible study. We talked about Struggles. I know, I know--how generic. But the angle was to embrace struggle and see what God has for you to get out of it. Too many people run from the struggles in their lives, refusing to deal with their struggles until they get to the other side of it and see what they learned. I want to have struggle in my life. I desire to be more than I am now, and it won't happen if everything goes my way and remains "easy." I want to embrace my struggles.

This was just a brief synopsis of last night's time in The MIDDLE. Now that you're up to speed, I'm going to ask you to do something. No, it's not about your struggles, but about another friend of mine. Her name is Sarah. She is a year younger than me and her husband was killed last night in a car accident. I know this is HUGE for her, so please pray for her and this time and great struggle in her life. Pray for comfort and strength in the days ahead, as well as God putting people in her life to help get her through this difficult time.

Plane's landing...time to return my chair to its upright position. Thanks for praying for Sarah. See you on the ground.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Go, Pack, Go!

So I'm a die hard Green Bay Packers fan...which isn't impressive right now, watching Aaron Rodgers getting sacked 235367634 times while typing this, and hoping that for one play our offensive line is going to block more than one of the defensive players. BUT, a Packers fan nonetheless. Much has been made about Brett Favre's vacating Wisconsin and playing in purple one state over. With people knowing about my love for the Pack (and being a Mississippi guy, like Favre; and a HUGE Southern Miss fan, where Favre graduated (yes, I was a Golden Eagle before people were mispronouncing Favre's name); and sharing the same birthday as Favre...this is really getting sad, isn't it...), I often get asked about who I pull for in the new rivalry. Understandable question, I suppose, but I believe it shows what sports are dealing with in today's sports world moreso than ever. The one thing that stands out in my mind is the lack of loyalty amongst professional sports. I'd love to know (maybe not) how many "Packers" fans bailed on Green Bay and followed Favre to Minneapolis? And how many crazy Cavalier fans were there before LeBron? I'm sure Manny brought more than a few Red Sox fans with him to L.A. (although most of 'em came for Leach). And when Gretzky was traded from...uh...from the...uh...that team in Canada what about Shaq fans? They've got a Shaq jersey from almost every team in the NBA!!

So what does this mean?

Nothing. I'm a Packers fan. I loved Favre while he was a Cheesehead. I'll love Favre beyond his retirement. But I cannot cheer for him until he retires a Packer. Why? Because I'm a freakin' Pack-fan until it's over!! 

Speaking of over, we just lost the game. 

GO, PACK, GO!!!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009


Happy Birthday, Luke Mc! Welcome to 30...

And awaaaaaaaay we go...

Some would say I caved to the pressure...
Some might say it's therapeutic...
Others might believe that I "sold out"...


I haven't quite figured it out yet, but we'll wait and see if it's a good idea. Let's just begin by calling it "an outlet for expression" and see where it goes from there.

Posts here will be completely random with topics ranging from Jesus to football to friends & family to movies to dogs to whatever else crosses this unintelligent mind. Regardless of material, I hope you're at least entertained. If not, read it again (the funny may be in between the lines!).
